Have to get the right pineapple slicer. This kitchen gadget is a must for pineapple lover and a great gift idea for all occasions. You have in your hand pineapple upside down cake recipe, pineapple pie recipe, or even pineapple chicken recipe then you would need pineapple slicer. Do not fight with this thorny but lovely fruit. Here are 5 tips to assist you to get the right pineapple slicer:
1. The popular and maybe the best pineapple slicer in the market is Vacu Vin Pineapple Slicer (see

2. Typical pineapple slicer also functions as pineapple corer and peeler.
3. Stainless steel pineapple slicer is rated very well by user compared to plastic slicer. For example, stainless steel Vacu Vin pineapple slicer is rated very high and sell very well compared to plastic pineapple slicer of the same brand. Stainless steel slicer is simply very strong so that it does its job very well and last longer than the plastic one.
4. Vacu Vin Pineapple Slicer and others that has same basic shape (particularly Rosle Pineapple Cutter) can produce perfect pineapple rings. You need this if you are expecting important guest. Plus, it would leave a perfect pineapple shell so you can use it as a very nice container for dish or drink.
5. Small number of customer complain that pineapple slicer (Vacu Vin and alike) wastes too much of the fruit. If the fruit is big and the cutter is small this problem becomes worst. Some suggest that that the traditional knife skill is still the best.
So, how many pineapple slicer have you reviewed? How many online shop have you visited? Pineapple slicer is not expensive but it wise to get a good one. Lucky with this Internet, there is no need to walk for miles as pineapple slicer and info about it are everywhere.
pineapple slicer
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